Lean Healthcare: Top 10 Challenges For EHR Users

Optimium Health has had numerous discussions over the past 6 months with hospital administrators and unit managers who all seem to highlight the same issue: while EHR’s promise to improve workflow and productivity, they more often than not do the opposite. A recent feature in iHealthBeat appears to back this up.

“According to survey conducted by Software Advice, and reproduced in iHealthBeat, slowed productivity is the greatest challenge cited by electronic health record users. Other key challenges cited by EHR users include integration with other EHR systems, customizing the EHR system, importing existing records and learning to use the EHR system.”

For a full view of the Top 10 Challenges for EHR Users survey findings, please follow this link: https://tinyurl.com/lxkrvpe

Given what we have heard from the people on the frontlines of providing patient care, Optimium Health could not agree more with these findings.  Our mission is to help health organizations get more value from their existing IT systems by providing overlay software that optimizes clinical workflow orchestration and facilitates timely, accurate communication between caregivers. The net result: improved overall staff productivity, patient throughput, and quality of care.

If you would like more information on how Optimium Health can help your organization improve IT interoperability while lowering operational costs and enhancing care delivery, please contact: heather@optimiumhealth.com


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